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Table Time

In the leafy home of Eden, God provided abundant food for Adam and Eve; a table for them in the presence of their enemies.  But Satan convinced them not to restrict themselves to the Lords table, but to eat from things forbidden.   The serpent was only allowed in the garden, to strengthen Adams resolve and faith in God, by testing him.  We have an enemy – it’s a fact we need to get used to.  Our enemies are not given to defeat us but to strengthen us. We are not praying about how can we escape them but how we can overcome them?

Sometimes God is able to do His best work, in our worst times. When we’re in trouble we pray the most. We usually build increasing intimacy with God, in times of difficulty. So having no enemies, may be a “curse” more than a blessing” Even people that oppose us can help us grow.   God wants our confidence in Him to grow and even get to the place where we can see maybe some of our “enemies” as friends.  Judas brought soldiers to take Jesus to the cross and Peter sought to keep Jesus from the cross. Jesus called Judas His friend and He called Peter the devil, because only Judas was helping Jesus get to His destiny.

While Adam and Eve looked elsewhere for food,  David was confident His Shepherd still had food for him in the presence of his enemies!  “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over” ( Psalms 23:5).  The word “prepared” has a military meaning, to set provisions, in readiness for battle.  Faith and intimate fellowship with God had filled his heart with confidence.

You are at war but God has prepared His table long before the enemy of your soul showed up and everything you need to win is on the table. We have to feast before the battle!  God has provided for your delight and sustenance Jesus’s power and grace. It is laid out on the table of fellowship with God.  This is the way God does it. We don’t fight the battle then enjoy the celebration.  God says to savour and enjoy the victory feast that He has prepared and then join the battle.

Friend, don’t enter your daily fight, skinny in the Spirit – go full and strong.  Too many saints turn up to the battle hopeful but famished.  Most of our struggles in life, are not because the enemies are too big, but because our time at the table is too small.