Sometimes we feel a little bit underpowered and think “shouldn’t I feel like a super hero. When I walk down the street shouldn't people fall under conviction and telephone poles melt into the pavement or shouldn't our day filled with miracles as the sheer power of our shadow falls upon broken people .We forget that Jesus divinity was veiled by His humanity. When Jesus walked along the street people couldn’t see obviously that he was the Son of God. Some people still thought he was the son of Mary and Joseph. He wasn’t glowing apart from on the Mount of transliteration. The rest of the time he just looked like everybody else and still needed to eat and rest. As a child he knew nothing and had to memorize the Torah by the age of 12. We can not know anybody after the flesh. Your humanity doesn’t matter; it’s your divine nature inside that counts. You don’t need to have a degree in order to pray for a doctor with a Ph.D. You don’t need to have money to pray for a rich man; you have more resources than the U.N. you have the Holy Spirit. Jesus became a man, to win back that which was lost by men. What was lost by the first son (Adam) was won back by a Son of God and that dominion is now given back to the sons of God. Jesus and us are brothers for we are both sons. The difference is that Jesus was sinless and Jesus was the firstborn of the new creation. Col 1:15. We are touched by sin and we are the second born. The firstborn son in a Jewish family got the double portion because they were responsible to care for and provide for the rest of the family. It was a heavy responsibility. It was their responsibility to bear the judgement for all the other siblings’ errors and provide judgements were needed. When Joseph was about to be killed by his brothers, Rueben the firstborn said don’t kill him. His firstborn responsibilities were kicking in. You could say that the firstborn were liable for justice and judgement while the second borns receive mercy. Jesus was the firstborn of the new creation. He was the one that received judgement. He was the one that brought justice so the second born (that’s all the rest of us sons and daughters) could receive mercy.
Friend, we are the sons and daughters of God in the world. The Son and the other sons have the same purpose. “I came down no to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.” John 6.38 . Jesus said “as Father sent me so I send you into the world” John 17.
We may feel not much different but we are completely different. We are 100% human but with a divine nature. He is resident within us and that changes everything, every moment, and everywhere.