Rise Up

Jesus wants to heal blind, maimed, lame and impotent people so he visits the pool of Bethesda, the house of kindness. Jesus asked the man who had been there 38 years, “Do you want to be made whole?”. The man said he never had the friends or strength to get to the miracle moment. Although he had excuses, the man wanted to be whole, so Jesus said, “Rise, take up your bed and walk”, and he was immediately healed.

Have we settled down among the blind, lame and powerless? Sometimes we are waiting for the special meeting and moving of the water and miss the moving of the Saviour. Even if we are too sick to help ourselves with our fears, insecurity, unforgiveness or life-sapping challenges, the Kindness of God, comes for those who aren't strong.  Hopeless waiting is to become heaven filled walking as He baptizes us in the “pool” of His love and power. He only asks if we want to be made whole: to be fed up with being bored, offended, cynical, powerless and spiritually lame.  Jesus is moving and stirring the Spirit within our hearts for more. He calls us to rise up and walk in His stature. Wholeness is fullness, the fullness of His love and power.

Friend, we want to be whole. Sometimes we can stop wanting more when we have been a certain way for a long time. Hear Him speak and rise up in His power. Take up your bed - you won’t be back. Walk boldly with vision that sees a needy world, because the multitude of lame, blind and hopeless people is not where you belong. 

The Divine PurposeJIM Shaw

In the potter’s house Jeremiah is told that God is the potter, and He is making something beautiful out of our lives. God is making you into a vessel to contain Him who is the Treasure.

Paul said, “We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power might be of Him.”  2 Corinthians 4. 7.9).

The Greek word for treasure is “thesaurus” meaning a place that things are stored up for your tomorrow. God is the treasure, and He has abundance stored within you.

The Greek word for vessel is “ostrakinos” meaning substandard and these vessels were not usually seen in the better homes.  From this word we get our word ostracize.  (To treat people as substandard)

How does it make sense that the perfect and mighty God would dwell in something substandard? Paul says this is not a paradox, this is Gods wisdom, so we might know where the power comes from and that the glory goes where it truly belongs!

Friend, if you keep looking for perfection in the vessel (friend, minister or spouse) you are going to miss the treasure inside them.  Your decision to ignore the flaws in someone near you will be the wisest thing you do this week.   Unflawed people don’t exist. If you focus on the pot, you’ll not receive the power.  God has stored His greatest gifts in ordinary people.  And don’t look at your substandard vessel, or it will hinder you pouring out His treasure within.  

The Divine PurposeJIM Shaw
 The Serpent Well

 Nehemiah quietly took a moonlight ride to observe the condition of the walls of God’s city, Jerusalem.   Then I arose in the night, I and a few men with me; I went out by night through the Valley Gate to the Serpent Well and the Refuse Gate, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem which were broken down and its gates burned with fire. Neh 2:12 . The strength of God's place was broken down and some parts had become known as the Serpent Well and the Refuse Gate. That cannot be good!  Nehemiah saw the problems and returned home. In the morning he rallied the people to work on the wall. “Then I said to them, "You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach."Neh 2:17

Sometimes it is easy to see the faults of the church and sometimes we have higher expectations of God’s people. Maybe people failed them or the Church wasn’t quite what they hoped. They see the Serpent Well or the Refuse Gate. Some people see the faults and share their disappointment and offence with others. They complain but do nothing to help, not even pray. They decide to draw from the Serpent Well and some consumers with unmet expectations may even leave God’s city through the Refuse gate.

But mature people, re-builders like Nehemiah say “I’ll never let problems be the reason I leave, but the reason I’m staying!  I will be part of the answer not part of the problem." He tells the others “Come let us build up Jerusalem that we are no longer a reproach.”  That is the response God wants. Grace and faith keep our hearts free of disappointment, offence, and betrayal.

Friend, sometimes God uses the weakness of the church to test our hearts and waits for us to be “bigger” than the rubbish and to tread on the Serpent.

The Divine PurposeJIM Shaw
 Vessel of Honour

The woman stooped down to pick up the vessel to get water for her family. “But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honour and some for dishonour. 2Ti 2:20   Every great house in the Middle East in Bible days had two vessels standing by the front door. Those vessels were literally called and still are in some places, the vessel of honour and the vessel of dishonour. The vessel of honour was the vessel that they would take every day, to the fountain to be filled with fresh water. This was for the family to drink and so that visitors could be offered fresh (living ) water. In the custom of the day, even people that the woman met at the well or along the way could also ask for a drink from the vessel if they were thirsty. 

The dishonourable vessel, however, stayed in the house and into this vessel they would put any leftover water from drinking cups or old water that had lost its freshness or had been ruined by dirt or insects. So while the vessel of honour was constantly refreshed at the well, the vessel of dishonour slowly filled up with foul water until it was eventually tipped out on the garden. “Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honour, sanctified and useful for the Master”. (2Ti 2:21).

Friends, we get to choose what we want to be. The great “Potter” has made us to carry his Living Water to families and thirsty people. By flowing through us He changes His world.   It doesn't matter if you come to the well with an empty vessel. It is meant to be empty because it is not the vessel that has the Life it is the treasure that He puts within.  The very reason for our hollowness is to contain more of Him. Let’s not leave home till we have taken our vessel to the well. There are thirsty people today who are depending on you.

 Holy Fight

When Joshua, saw the Man in front of him with a sword drawn. He asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?” Jesus said, “Neither I am the Captain of the Lord’s hosts”.  In other words, Jesus said “I am the Boss and the only battles I will fight, are the ones I pick.  What matters is not if He is on our side but that we are on His side and in His battle.  The disciples were safe in the boat during the storm, not because the Lord was in their boat but because they were in the Lord’s boat; it was commissioned by Jesus. We win spiritual battles because He is in the fight and He is recognised as Captain of the army. 

“And the Captain of the Lord’s Hosts said to Joshua, Take your shoe off your foot, for the place on which you stand is holy. And Joshua did so”. Jos 5:15.  It was holy because the Lord was there but this was also the place where Joshua faced his next fight.  Wherever God is, is holy, but also it’s holy because the place of your current battle is holy ground.  Not the worship service or the prayer closet alone but the place of your struggle or challenge. The fight you face to get to a place in God that you desire, or for a walk you don’t yet enjoy.

Friend, your place of struggle for victory is holy and set apart for God. God is interested in your fight, your struggle or your weaknesses and He will meet you there. Your fight for purity or power is all holy! In that place, the powerful work of Christ’s blood is magnified.  It becomes a temple, a place of visitation and revelation – where you meet the Man and go away empowered by God. So lift up your eyes today, in the midst of your struggle. He is there. It is His fight too.


Father is favouring us because He favours Jesus within.  Christ in you is not only your hope of glory, it's God's hope of glory in the earth too. Christ through you is the way the Father will have His own glory and purpose fulfilled. So He's committed to being with you, favouring you, flowing through you and empowering you to act like a son, in your office and in your school. Christ lives within you so walk forth boldly into your world each day. As a New Creation, step out on the street as a devil-destroying, sick healing, hope-giving, gospel-living son or daughter of God.

When we talk about Favour, we're not talking about easier living or the fact that all of our food bills are halved necessarily, but the fact that we get an opportunity to act like a son. Joseph was favoured so he was given the opportunity to represent his God, in a prison. Jesus’ life was not always easy even though He is loved more than any other, but He had the opportunity to represent His Father. One of the things we often do as believers is interpret the Bible through the defensive lens of our own comfort. We might assure ourselves with the verse “All things work together for good for them that love God and are the called according to His purpose” that although life is tough and I feel troubled, I'm believing God is going to work it out and I'm going to get through. That is fine but what if that scripture is meant for sons on the offensive? “All things work together for good those that love God.” So, therefore, we know that we going to get opportunities to pray for the sick, bind Satan’s power, shine in the “prison,” share the gospel or give some money to somebody in need.

Friends, favour is not having ease, but having the opportunity and privilege as sons to rule in the prison, preach in the darkness, show somebody the love of God, in short, to go about doing good and healing all those who the devil oppresses. Now, that is favour!

Voltaire was wrong

Voltaire said if there was no God, we would have to invent one. No doubt he meant that only an intelligent designer God, makes sense of the intricate balance of the solar system, the perfect ecological systems of the world, and the fantastic design of the human body.  To say nothing of the moral and spiritual nature of man.

But that's only half the truth, this God would have to be a good God, for no person lives above their view of God.  If God was not loving, faithful and righteous, life on earth would be a high-risk hell. Only if God is love would people know to act with respect and honour towards one another. Only if God is righteous would people know to not steal, cheat,  murder their neighbour or injure their families. Only if God is faithful in relationships with His creation would people also form faithful covenant relationships like marriage. (Marriage conveys hundreds of benefits and protections not afforded to cohabitating couples. Married couples tend toward greater financial advancement and better health. Married couples also report higher trust, happiness and satisfaction in their relationships compared to unmarried cohabitating partners. Cohabiting men are four times more likely to cheat than husbands, and cohabiting women are eight times more likely to cheat than wives. The Pew Analysis. 21 Apr 2024.)

Only this type of loving, righteous and covenant-making God, would inspire men to love mercy, act justly and increase sexual fidelity, and family stability, through permanent romantic relationships.

 Of course, the most helpful thing God could do would be to come to earth to reveal Himself and show us how we are to live. And the greatest thing He could do to reveal a God-sized love, would be to bear the punishment that we all deserve for falling short, so that whoever believes on Him as Lord and Saviour should not perish, but have everlasting life with Him.

Praise Jesus this God does exist.  We don't need to invent Him we need to invoke Him and live like Him.

Just Hurry

 The families stood huddled around the table to eat their first Passover meal. It was the night they were going to be delivered from Egypt and they were following His instructions. "And you shall eat of it this way, with your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. And you shall eat it in a hurry. It is the Lord's Passover." Ex 12.11

The men were dressed in their work clothes, with their heavy-duty belts into which they would tuck the front of their long garments. In other words, they were to leave Egypt ready to run and ready to work. Passover for them did not mean settling in for a night off or quiet time at home.

They had sandals on in readiness for a long journey or some sort of military campaign. Sandals also showed the acquisition of new property, and they were exchanging their inheritance in the world for their inheritance in the city of God.

They ate with their staff in the other hand. With a staff, they could crush scorpions and snakes, drive off wild dogs and carry weights across their shoulders. They expected obstacles and opposition, but they were ready.

The Passover was eaten in a hurry. They were going to put as much distance between them and Egypt as they could because they knew if they lingered, Egypt would catch up with them.

Today when we come to the Passover sacrifice provided through Jesus Christ, we come ready to walk away from the world and into a new inheritance. We expect opposition but are ready to fight but most of all we eat the Passover with urgency. If we don’t come to the altar to receive Christ in a hurry and ready to forsake sin quickly and gladly, we don’t understand the gospel.

Friend, let’s use every Passover (Easter), to reaffirm our hatred for the bondage the world had over us, and to renew our passion to pursue the “Cloud”, the Promised Land in Christ and the One who saved us.