Jesus and His disciples went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. The old olive trees were scarred and had seen a lot of history pass by. Amid olive groves, there is usually an olive press. At harvest time the olives are shaken off the trees, and crushed in the press, to release their oil. (Mark 14). Every drop of oil is produced from a lot of shaking and a lot of pressure. The cost of olive oil is small, but not to the olive!
It seems that while the Holy Spirit is a gift, the increased release of His anointing “oil” in our lives, comes from being shaken, pressed and crushed. We don't know the cost of someone's anointing. Paul said he was “pressed beyond measure” and shared in Christ’s suffering. Sometimes we want the same anointing as somebody else but forget that we can’t get it from the laying on of hands but from the laying on of the same “pressings”.
Friend, don’t look back, let up or back away. It may cost a lot to keep a sweet spirit when all hell is against you. It may cost a lot to lose position, pre-eminence or popularity in the world. It may cost a lot to sacrifice without any immediate recognition or reward. It may cost a lot to be on your face when it seems others are only sleeping, but if you meet with our Father in the olive press, the anointing to accomplish His purpose will increase along with the sense of His presence and pleasure.