
The town of Corinth was exceedingly wealthy. Many ships were dragged across the Isthmus to save the trip around the coast. There were many sailors many tradesmen business people.  And t was exceedingly corrupt.   The immorality of Corinth is legendary. Greek /Roman culture makes desperate housewives looked like a deacon’s meeting. To the believers in this town Paul writes you are sanctified.   To be sanctified means to be made a saint. Originally meant set something apart for God so in the temples pots and vessels were sanctified. For us it is really begin set apart for God and his purpose and becoming more like Jesus we want that So God is sanctifying us right now justified sanctified glorified. Corinthian people were completely given over to every vice they wanted. In fact pottery pieces and inscriptions say that the motto of the Greeks/Romans in current was “All things lawful!”   Everything was okay; do what you want, if it feels good, but Paul writes to say that we are sanctified to God so we don’t do what we feel like doing but what will serve Gods purpose best.

Friend, sanctification is just living in a way that doesn’t offend other believers or stumble non believers in any way.