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The theology of work

Adam was connected to God and to his work, but since the fall, man has had trouble connecting work and God together.  The best many Christians have been able to do, was connect Sunday with God whereas all week as well as the day of rest, Adam and Eve were connected with God in their work. In fact, it seems from scripture, that eternity will be filled with creative fulfilling important work; not clouds and harps.   Work is our first mandate.  Our first calling is as regent under God (Earthly rulers representing heavenly king), is to rule over the earth and subdue it. We are commissioned to subdue the earth. Engineers, builders, dressmakers, and florists all make the earth, work for us.   We take the earth resources and use them we are to take the earths challenges and overcome them. Humans are world makers.  Agricultural, material, political, aesthetic work, musical, artistic work, relationship work, or technical work we are making our world. So when a man makes a tunnel under the sea from England and France bringing people together, God says yes!   God wanted to use man to release the potential of the planet. Gods potential in the plant is released when we work with God.  And that is what we all working to do. Release the potential of creation. So a teacher releases potential in their pupils. A mussel farmer releases the potential of the ocean.   And doctor releases the potential of healing in a person. God actually heals but the doctor assists the process of releasing the full potential of healing. A cook releases the potential of veggies. Parents, builders, everyone; if we aren’t releasing potential, then we aren’t working with God.   If you’re holding down, holding back, keeping something or someone under, then start working with God.  This is the reason why the 5 fold ministry is called the work; it’s all about releasing potential in people.

Friend, there are no easy jobs done by Christians. We all have time and abilities and we all use resources, machines and responsibilities. Your job is no harder than mine and no easier.  Every job is done faithfully and well is difficult whether a builder or an accountant.  It is no harder for me to do my job well that it is for you to do your job well.