
 As David gained victory over his enemy’s time after time, he came to understand that God was his strength. He knew he couldn't be doing what he had been doing without God.  One man and a few guys in animal skins is no match for an army! 2 Sa 22:33. Some other power was at work way beyond him. He knew it was not my might or my power but there was a mighty spirit at work. David believed he had “exoskeleton” around about him and only because of this divine cloak could he run through a troop and leap over a wall.  He believed that the same power had rested on him as a red face youth when he faced the bear and the lion. God’s power clothed him every day in the field. Though he was someone mighty small, there was something mighty big around about his life. David was not strong, but he knew who his strength was.

As David ran around the mountains of Judah, chased by men who wanted to kill him, one of the creatures he noticed around the rocks was the little Coneys or rock badgers. In the book of Proverbs 30:26, it says they are not strong, but they are wise because they make their house in the rock. They are a feeble folk; another version says not strong yet they wisely made the rock their exoskeleton. They entered the rock and found strength beyond them.

A wise master builder also knows where the strength of his house is to be found; from building his house on a rock. This refers not just to the strength of the local church but the need for every believer to build their inner house or heavenly dwelling in Christ.

Friend, what God has called us to do cannot be done by human ability. The Holy Spirit can do more through a primitive man than he can with someone clever in their own eyes. Enter the Rock today; trust Him and let Him be your strength!

JIM Shaw