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 Vessel of Honour

The woman stooped down to pick up the vessel to get water for her family. “But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honour and some for dishonour. 2Ti 2:20   Every great house in the Middle East in Bible days had two vessels standing by the front door. Those vessels were literally called and still are in some places, the vessel of honour and the vessel of dishonour. The vessel of honour was the vessel that they would take every day, to the fountain to be filled with fresh water. This was for the family to drink and so that visitors could be offered fresh (living ) water. In the custom of the day, even people that the woman met at the well or along the way could also ask for a drink from the vessel if they were thirsty. 

The dishonourable vessel, however, stayed in the house and into this vessel they would put any leftover water from drinking cups or old water that had lost its freshness or had been ruined by dirt or insects. So while the vessel of honour was constantly refreshed at the well, the vessel of dishonour slowly filled up with foul water until it was eventually tipped out on the garden. “Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honour, sanctified and useful for the Master”. (2Ti 2:21).

Friends, we get to choose what we want to be. The great “Potter” has made us to carry his Living Water to families and thirsty people. By flowing through us He changes His world.   It doesn't matter if you come to the well with an empty vessel. It is meant to be empty because it is not the vessel that has the Life it is the treasure that He puts within.  The very reason for our hollowness is to contain more of Him. Let’s not leave home till we have taken our vessel to the well. There are thirsty people today who are depending on you.