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In the potter’s house Jeremiah is told that God is the potter, and He is making something beautiful out of our lives. God is making you into a vessel to contain Him who is the Treasure.

Paul said, “We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power might be of Him.”  2 Corinthians 4. 7.9).

The Greek word for treasure is “thesaurus” meaning a place that things are stored up for your tomorrow. God is the treasure, and He has abundance stored within you.

The Greek word for vessel is “ostrakinos” meaning substandard and these vessels were not usually seen in the better homes.  From this word we get our word ostracize.  (To treat people as substandard)

How does it make sense that the perfect and mighty God would dwell in something substandard? Paul says this is not a paradox, this is Gods wisdom, so we might know where the power comes from and that the glory goes where it truly belongs!

Friend, if you keep looking for perfection in the vessel (friend, minister or spouse) you are going to miss the treasure inside them.  Your decision to ignore the flaws in someone near you will be the wisest thing you do this week.   Unflawed people don’t exist. If you focus on the pot, you’ll not receive the power.  God has stored His greatest gifts in ordinary people.  And don’t look at your substandard vessel, or it will hinder you pouring out His treasure within.