Now Faith

The whole stadium was on their feet cheering as the athletes strained toward the finishing line. Encouraged by their cheers the runners pushed even harder to win. It is encouraging to think that a crowd of God’s finest champions of faith, surround us as we press towards our finish line. Heb 12:1-2. But if we look at them a little closer, they are a motley bunch of people. The Biblical record of people is very kind. It doesn't mention their struggles with sin and doubt, only their faith. Sara laughed in unbelief, Moses argued with God, Rahab the prostitute is there. Samson struggled with compromise and sin. David committed adultery. These are not people who shone with perfect performance, but people who despite their weaknesses, had faith. They had all felt shame as they thought about their past lives. But the Bible says these people laid aside the weight of their sin which could have easily ensnared them, and they got back up and ran their race with endurance.

It is not how sinless and perfect your race is, or whether you're embarrassed by your past or present; it is whether you can lay it aside, receive God's forgiveness and grace and run your race every day until you finish.

Friends, let’s get up and run because the Person cheering the loudest for us, is the One who went the furthest to remove the shame of yesterday’s sin and the guilt of today's failure. Come on hero of faith, your faith is not proven by your past but by your now!