War of Words

Terror states rage against the USA, governments fight over immigration, speciesism, socialists and LGBT fight gain legitimate power to normalise their philosophy,  others fight on behalf the unborn and the unheard. Nation rises against nation and kingdom against kingdom. It’s a battle of words on earth revealing a war in heaven. Words are spoken through human lips yet beyond the eyes of men, ancient powers are stirred. Peter spoke words in a jail, the church prayed words from the house down the street, and angels from another realm appeared in the jail. Words move unseen beings.

When David faced Goliath in the valley, it was a battle of words, not swords. The giant cursed David by his gods saying  “I’ll feed you to the birds,” but David didn’t allow himself to be cursed by the enemy. If David had of agreed with the words of the giant, David would never have fulfilled the unique purpose God had for his life.  He refused to entertain those paralysing words from a dark source because he knew that spiritual beings are empowered by faith. Therefore he roared back his declaration of faith in the power of God to save, and God came through.

Apostle Paul stood on the heaving deck of an endangered ship and declared the promises he had heard from God, to counter the beliefs, of fearful sailors, who thought they were about to drown. They were all saved just as God had said.  Gods promise is "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.  For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isa 55:9-11. Gods words spring from His thoughts and only His word is guaranteed to be fruitful. Agreement with His word, is only illuminated logic. But agreement with His thoughts, takes attentive discernment.

The thoughts we agree with and the words we speak matter.  We can’t listen to doubt and walk in faith. We can not talk fear and live boldly. A generation was kept from Gods promised land by their unbelieving words. Jesus gave the example of cursing those things outside of the will of God. He also told us to speak to mountains that should be moved and to absolutely believe the effectiveness of what we say.

  When Peter was in jail the disciples prayed for God to move.  As they agreed with Gods will in prayer, God sent the delivering angel to Peter. The doors of our current prison are opened by declarations of faith, never by agreeing with the jailer that there is no escape.  And let’s expect an answer.  When Peter was let out by the angel, he went straight to the prayer meeting but they couldn’t believe their prayers were answered and never opened the door.  Someone’s faith had opened the prison door but someone’s doubt kept the church door shut.

 Friend, who’s thoughts are we listening to? How much of what God has planned to bring into our lives, is still bound in the heavens by the words we have said or not said. What hasn’t changed because we haven’t spoken? And what has Father released to us that is still outside the door because our doubt has kept the door shut and kept the answer from walking in?