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Studies show us that any child that doesn't bond with its mother and father is more likely to have relationships affected by emotional problems. Without bonding, children, teenagers and even adults are hindered in their growth to emotional maturity, continuing to act like children. People like Lee Harvey Oswald the killer, who shot President Kennedy. On November 22, 1965, he fired two shots into the head of the President; a man who represented good looks, brains and respect. His killer had all the classic handicaps; his mother was domineering and a brawler; she was not gentle or nurturing and even beat up her three husbands. She gave the boy no affection and no discipline. The school psychologist said that Oswald probably didn't know the meaning of love. He dropped out of the Marines because he couldn't accept discipline or authority and married a foreign girl who mocked him treating him like a kid. He was often locked in the bathroom or out of the house, till he came begging. One day he took the rifle from the garage and climbed to the sixth floor. Inadequacy, lack of loving relationships with his parents and sin, had bred a monster. A person who has not bonded with parents and others later in life will have little basis for morality. A mother doesn't hold her child because she should but because she wants to; she loves that baby. Friends don’t visit their friends in the hospital because they should but because they love them.

Friend, the bond of love is always a more powerful motivation than morality or doing what is right. Jesus said love is the fulfilment of the law. Let His love fill you today and live free!