Inquire of the Lord

Hearing from God can be a challenge but one story in the bible can help us.After six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John, and led them up on a high mountain apart by themselves; and He was transfigured before them. They did not know what to say, for they were greatly afraid.  Then a cloud came and overshadowed them; and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, "This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!" Mark 9.7When Peter saw Jesus in glory he said in effect “Let’s build a place where you can stay, so I’ll know where to find you next time.”  Fathers response was to speak from the cloud “This is my Son hear him.”  Father was saying you have to set your heart to seek and listen to Him; there is not going to be a pattern to follow; it will be different each time. God’s voice may be a spontaneous flow of thoughts from the Spirit. Jn7.37. For  Jesus said “The water I give will be a fountain of water springing up to eternal life” Other times  we might ask Him questions about how He feels about us, and listen for His voice from within our spirits or a word that speaks to us from the bible.This works a little  like prayer ministry.  we all have lies we believe that affect the way we see God, life and ourselves.  As we look to see if Jesus is saying something to us or showing something to us and when they do see or hear His voice, the change in our mind and life is many times quite profound.  What God thinks of us, breaks the lies of the devil.   We can have our own counselling session just with God our Father.  We can write down what we feel He’s saying and finally ensure it lines up with the Word of God, and the counsel of others.Friend, begin a fresh to spend time with our Father, and it will take time. Look for God to show His heart to us and to change our hearts. As we hear Him, it will change the way we see God and see ourselves.