Posts in Priority of His presence
Altar Call

While Israel was languishing in Egypt’s as slaves, they lost much of their understanding of God. God began to teach his people how to approach Him. “An altar of earth you shall make for Me, and you shall sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings, your sheep and your oxen. In every place where I record My name I will come to you, and I will bless you”. Exodus 20:24. For hundreds of years they bought their sacrifices of worship to the altar at Moses Tabernacle. This altar was only a type of the final altar, Jesus. His final blood sacrifice for us, reveals completely Gods fullest mercy toward us. Today we still have an altar that God has placed his name upon. “We have an altar they have no right to eat Hebrews 13. Speaking of Jesus Christ the ultimate altar. God said everyplace that he recorded his Name on the altar, He would meet with them there. The altar was the place where God was going to meet with mankind and Jesus is the only place we can meet with God. Jesus is the final place of slaughter and the final altar. He is the only “place” that God will come to bless mankind. Jesus is the altar as he alone is named with the name of God. Altars were the place that God revealed himself to mankind and we can surely see that Jesus was God revealing Himself to us. Today we come to our altar Jesus, to offer worship to our Father God. When we came to the altar, we are not coming to a raised part of the stage or to some shiny table but we are coming to Jesus Christ to receive forgiveness, life, healing and blessing. He is the blood stained altar! “By him or through him (through Jesus our altar) we can offer to God our spiritual sacrifices (Heb.13.15).

Friend, He is the place God has recorded His name. He is the only place to meet with God and as we come to Him, He promises to meet us there.

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If you knew Me

One day when the disciples had gone to town to buy some food, Jesus being weary sat by a well in the middle of the day. He was waiting for a Samaritan woman who was a sinner. When she arrived and was greeted by Jesus, the woman of Samaria said to Him, "How is it that you, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman? For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans?” Jesus answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water." John 4:6-10. Here is a Samaritan woman from the wrong culture, the wrong side of the tracks, definitely the wrong lifestyle and she is a woman! She was the wrong gender to think that she could ever know God for herself. She was out of covenant, out of style and out of favour, but Jesus was waiting for her. Jesus is waiting for us; He is waiting for you. We are never too far out, too far wrong or too far gone. And this is what He says to you “If you knew me you would ask me ... for the living water of the Spirit and I would give it.” If we knew Jesus we would ask....If we know His heart; had a true understanding of His heart and love for you, His willingness, you would ask! If you knew his heart toward you the first thing you’d do is ask because he’s for you, he’s waiting for you there at the well. And he would do it too, he would give a spring that bubbles up to eternal life.

Friend, He wants to activate that spring within us, more than we do! The springing up of the Spirit of God in every person’s life and the reality of hearing his Spirit directly communicating with us is actually what both Him and us both want. There were two people at the well that were satisfied that day.

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The best part

Jesus was visiting at His friends place in Bethany and while Martha was busy in the kitchen, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus. When Martha later complained to Jesus that Mary was not helping much, Jesus said that Mary had chosen the best part. There are many things we do in an average day. Tasks to complete and people and family to relate to, but they will never be the best part of the day and they may not ever become the best they could be, till you have done the best part which is worship. That part is essential and without the essential worship, you lose perspective, put value on the wrong things and your life becomes distorted and out of balance. Martha was a servant hearted person and that is a good thing, but without proper perspective (God is here) she develops a complaining Spirit and even rebukes the Lord demanding He act for her. Her problem was that she was “too useful”! Martha felt that she was a useful, practical, down to earth person, in fact too useful to be just sitting at the feet of Jesus. Friend, being useless is not a virtue in the world or even in the kingdom of God but it is imperative in the presence of Jesus. Your importance and what you can do, is zero compared with the importance of Jesus.

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