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Leave an inheritance

Our Heavenly Father is a good Dad. He has plans for us. When I was born my Dad loved me, but like all Dads, he was thinking beyond just loving, beholding and doting. He was thinking training!  Make the boy into something, forge some character into him. Fathers think about working together in the future. To ensure that, Dad then just modeled the life he wanted me to live. I became like him in many ways.  A farmer thinks a son will take over the farm, or at least grow up to work in the family business.Jesus was aware fully of this expectation upon him. He said, “My Father is working and I am working too. He didn’t just dip His feet in the Sea of Galilee saying “Gee I’m loved”.  No He said “I do only those things that please the Father, and when he approached the cross He was looking forward to the future, when He would be given his inheritance. Psa 2: 7-8As his sons and daughters, we too are loved by Father, but His plan doesn’t stop there. We are his sons and daughters for a reason.  He wants us to share in Christ’s inheritance with Him.  Ephesians declares that in the ages to come He plans to show His great kindness toward us. We can only imagine what that might mean. But it sounds great to me. What we do already know, is that God plans some awesome things for us not in eternity but here on the earth; to bring us into life in all its fullness.

Friend, God has a great inheritance for you; greater that anything your earthy father could wish of give to you. Reach out for it!