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Suffer in the Flesh?

Suffer in the Flesh. Jesus suffered in the flesh. Not sinful flesh but just human flesh. He faced things which as a human being, he would find hard.  That is where we suffer too. There are things we find hard just because we are limited and wired a certain way for this earth. This means for all sons who would learn obedience, that there are many choices we need to make every day to obey God rather than ourselves; to please the Father rather than please ourselves.  My flesh would like to give someone a piece of my mind but I can chose to be quiet.  My flesh would like to sleep in for another hour but I chose not to.  My flesh would like to keep the $500 I found on the foot path, but you chose not to.   Watch a TV program about strippers but you choose to too. I’d like to work on my message but I also know my wife wants to go for a walk.  For married men life is simple. Just live to please God and then please your wife.

Friend, Esau gave up his inheritance to follow the flesh. He traded it in for a mess of pottage, and we too, cannot follow the flesh without putting our birth right at risk.