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Digging the wells again

Isaac came into the land and began to dig wells for his flock and family. The enemies sought to drive him away by stopping the wells, but he dug again and kept digging wells till finally the Philistines gave up.When we first become a believer, we experience great joy but soon the enemy will come to block up the well of joy within.Jesus said that men receive the word of the kingdom with joy and it begins to bear fruit but that word and that joy will be tested. Immediately there is persecution or trouble because of the word and it can become unfruitful.  Maybe you are being tested, by friends who forsook you or a spouse who won’t follow you, maybe a disappointment with someone who should have known better.There is only one way to become and remain fruitful and that is to move on and dig another well.  Paul’s exhortation to the Philippian church, who were a great church but were having issues of disunity, was Rejoice and again I say rejoice!.  Rejoice in the Lord. Dig the well again. Don’t focus on people who disappoint or disagree with you. Only by a breakthrough in joy can you dig the wells of salvation and flow into fruitfulness. Think about the Lord and how good he is been to you. Praise Him, thank Him; the Well is within you.Friend, you have to draw it up by singing of Gods goodness and declaring that although the fig tree doesn’t blossom you will still rejoice in the lord.  Hab. 3.12