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Be a Seer

I read a book last year called “Communion with God” and I thought if ever get the time to practice what it said to do, I would because although I prayed every day and meditated on the word of God, it seemed my ability to receive visions and see things and hear God's voice in my spirit just didn't seem real enough. I wanted a Spirit-directed walk with God, so I decided I would deliberately begin to seek the face of Jesus. Get in touch with my “spiritual side” and I have to admit it has been a wonderful journey.

The book said you will never be a seer if you aren't a “looker” and I wasn't really a looker! So I started looking for Jesus more. I tend to be very logical, cerebral; left-brain oriented toward maths and logic and therefore non-creative and not very intuitive, so I had a real desire to be more intuitive; more “spiritual”.

When I handed over the senior pastor role in the church, in 2011, I said I now have more time to seek God. (I was only preaching every second week) so more time to be still and look for visions of God.

The thing that has made the greatest difference to me, was understanding that Rhema can be heard or seen. Let’s think of the concept of Rhema and Logos. A simple definition we know is that Logos is the whole written word and Rhema is a small part of the Logos that God speaks or quickens to us. The Logos is the content, while Rhema is more the way it comes to us; it is quickened. So the Logos is necessary as a standard and guide but the Rhema is necessary as it is the way God speaks to us. But Rhema is both hearing and seeing. The Lord can speak to us by a word we hear or a picture or vision we see.
We know that Rhema can be initiated by God or we can initiate it by seeking to hear Him. The Lord speaks to us as we are reading or we can seek Him to hear. Well, the Rhema can be initiated by us to hear Him but also we can initiate the seeking to see Him! Let’s do both!