
We hope that our kids will become more responsible as they grow up, so as a father we can trust them with our inheritance. Robert Kyosaki said to his son “You have to make his own money before you get any of mine.” Show me you have the responsibility and discipline to look after it. Often Fathers write-in their will that their sons will get no inheritance till they are twenty-one years old but even then it is no guarantee that he will be wise with the money. Fathers know that if you are faithful in a little you are faithful in much. Even so, God has given us a little of our inheritance now. We receive a down payment of the gifts of God. So what are we doing with what God has given to us? If I give you one hundred dollars, you can only do three things with it. Save it, spend it invest it. Only one is the right answer. Till you we learn to invest what we have we aren’t ready for the full inheritance. Mat 25:25 -27

God expects us to do something with the gifts he gives us. From every gift He expects fruit. From the gift of repentance, He expects the fruit of repentance. From the gift of the Holy Spirit, He expects the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The same with ministry gifts.

Friend, today the only way to receive more from God, is to invest what you have already been given. Encourage someone today, visit someone today, and share what I know with the work friend. Use the gifts to produce some fruit.