Training time

Every man feels the incessant pressure to be swept along with the world in its preoccupation with sex.

Since there is no longer a “eunuch ministry” or a drug we can slip into the communion like I’m told happened in the army, and since we can’t go out of the world, the only thing left is for us is to learn how to handle our sexuality properly and learn what good things God is accomplishing in our lives, as we learn to overcome wrong desires, on our way to becoming a vessel unto honour. God has a purpose for the struggles and the temptations that we all face as men and women. Sometimes He lets the devils attacks so we can build spiritual muscle, as men build muscle through resistance training at the gym. He knows increased strength is needed in order to make choices to remain pure.

When the desire for a drug is throbbing through every vessel of an addicts body, it is very hard to "just say 'No.'" The will is not strong enough, and they give in again and again. Similarly, God knows that we are incapable in our own strength to defeat temptation. That is why, for believers in Jesus, he has provided a new resource, the Holy Spirit. When Paul was faced with is only humanity and sinful desires, cried out “who will deliver me from this body of death? His own answer in the next verse gives the answer to all of us. I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! Rom 7:25. Thank God for the life of Jesus Christ in us and the power of the Holy Spirit!

Remember the wonderful promise of Ephesians 3:20, "Now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to the power that is at work within us,"

There is a power at work in us. That power is the Spirit of Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit. No believer can give the excuse that he cant do what God tells him to do unless we have forgotten that we have been provided with an extra resource. We may need to exercise our will to "just say 'No,'" but then we can immediately call upon the Spirit of God within us. And He can do it. God is our strength literally.

Jesus Himself is our standard and only He can fulfil it. Here is the magnificence of Christianity; of being a child of God. Buddha does not live inside a Buddhist and cannot empower the Buddhist to do what he taught. Mohammad may have told Muslims how to live but because he is dead he is in no way able to help them do it. However, Jesus does live in us and can actually live His life in us.
Friend, allow Christ to live his life in you and He will set you free.