Needing Others

It is amazing how much the example of people has upon us. Most of us can’t do what we have never seen done. We might know that Jesus prayed before dinner but when you watch your pastor pray, you know how to do it. I knew Jesus kneeled to pray, but the sight of my old pastor kneeling on the floor of his office is stamped upon my mind even more.

If you have never seen two people have a disagreement without raising their voices but instead all you have ever seen, is raised and angry voices, you won’t think it is even possible.

The Thessalonian's changed the way they lived because they saw it modelled by the Apostle Paul. 1Thess1. 6-7. Paul was honest with his friends. He didn't hide his own troubles or say there were no challenges, instead, he said, “You know my troubles; I'm burdened beyond measure; beyond strength- even despairing of life”. 2 Cor 1.8.

When people are honest and open about their struggles, it releases us from shame and inferiority, when we learn that others too suffer from the same struggles and fears. When I was a new believer, I thought the standard was impossible to reach and that there was something wrong with me, till the Pastor said he had troubles too. We are all struggling; failure runs in the family and most often Jesus helps us, guides us and comforts us through other people. But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus. 2 Cor 7.6
Friend, you may have Jesus but what we also need is some people that Jesus lives in because he reaches out to us and impacts our life and thinking through His body the church.