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Wait on God

The psalms tell us to be still which means to be quiet relaxed or to become still and ascertain by seeing that he is God. Ps 46 .6. Waiting on God means we should get really comfortable so there are no distractions and get out heart still before the Lord and look to behold Him. I found it was not easy as thoughts, doubts and distractions would enter into my mind, but was helped by singing a quiet song without getting too physical. David was used to “beholding the Lord”.

Psa 27:4.. to behold the beauty of the LORD.. “ To behold is a primitive root; to gaze at; mentally to perceive, contemplate (with pleasure); specifically to have a vision of: - behold, look, prophesy, provide or see. This is not a natural vision, (Keil and Delitcsh) but a spiritual seeing by revelation.

We should then expect to see - by looking in faith. Of course, if you don’t really expect to see anything, you won’t. James 1:6. Make sure you set the Lord before you, not an idol. Ps 16:8. Don’t have an idol before your eyes; something you want more than God or even from God but behold His glory full of grace and truth. Look for the face of Jesus in the spirit.

Friend, it may take time and a new discipline but we are told in Hebrews to fix your eyes on Jesus (Heb 12.1-2), and when David was invited to seek Gods face, he set about to do just that. Ps27.8. “When you said seek my face, your face I did seek!”