The trouble with evolution

You have heard about the scientist who got little life forms to manifest from putting dirt filled with microbes into an environment of sunshine and ammonia as an experiment and excitedly found microscopic life forming. That all looks good till God says “Well, you make your own dirt you own microbes, your own sun and your own gas! In other words you start with nothing and see what you can do!Evolutionists say that animal forms developed by mutations.  The trouble is that nearly all mutations are degenerative, like a fifth leg growing on a lamb, or they bring the creature to an early death.Another fact they ignore is that animals reproduce after their own kind. They do and they always have.  Animals do not change no matter how many times they mate.   A cat always produces cats; never dogs or horses.  There may be adaptation within species or the effects of selective breeding. Dogs may be bred smaller or bigger or spotted or without a tail but they will always be dogs!Question. If we had rain for 50 years in a row will birds start flying down to the sea to try to mate with fish?  And how is a seagull who lives only 10 years going to change before it dies or see the need to tell its offspring to grow scales.When Darwin was asked about the fact that there is no fossil evidence of any intermediate life forms between a fish and a cow or a bird and a monkey, he confessed that it was as embarrassing problem with his theory.So far all the bones that are meant to be from primitive men or the missing link between man and monkey are either all monkey bones or men's bone  but still nothing in between.   They are embarrassed about Piltdown man who turned out to be a total hoax and likewise are embarrassed about Nebraska man which was all based upon a pigs tooth.What the fossil record does show which is embarrassing to evolution is that the foot prints of man are found in the same strata as what they call homo erectus and Neanderthal man. In other words the ancient primates where living at the same time as men.Friend, we can be glad we've  been made in the image of our Creator not the  image of the amoeba, monkey or the evolutionist.

Jim & Anneke Shaw