The flesh - Friend or Foe

It is possible to get confused by the word “flesh” in the Bible because the word is used in a number of ways.

The flesh can mean, a man without God. So believers do not any longer live in the flesh since God is now within us. Rom 8:9. The old man without God has been crucified - made dead. It no longer exists because you are no longer without God. Our Old man is crucified and our body of sin is destroyed!

Just as the new man is a spirit man so the old man was a spirit man. That old inner unregenerate spirit man is dead because when the Holy Spirit came into your spirit and made it alive, that old unregenerate man died or ceased to be.

This plainly means therefore that if the old man is dead the new man or new creation is the only man that remains.

The second way that flesh is used is your natural body. You have to have flesh. We still need a body to do the will of God and walk around in. This earth suit has desires for food, rest comfort, and sex. That is not bad that is the way we are designed by God. It just needs to be controlled by your soul and spirit.

Yes, this flesh can be tempted by sin but it is not the old man that is being tempted as it is dead. You do not have two natures. You have one new nature. The nature of Jesus. You still have the flesh or your body. So you are able to be tempted to sin by the devil and your fleshly desires

If we believe that our old man is still alive we will think that we still act as if we are in equal competition between our old man and the new man. Our flesh is now not a dominating controlling body but is once again a body equipped for our life on earth with natural desires and needs such as food and sleep.

Your flesh will not sin until you allow the temptation to find agreement in your heart and mind. You can choose to make room for it (make provision for it) or you can choose not to.

When the old man was in league with the flesh it produced the works of the flesh but now if the new man is in league with the flesh, our body can express the fruit or products of the Spirit.

Friend, the Holy Spirit is now living in your spirit. You are not the same person. The old man in destroyed. You are righteous, you have been are made worthy. You are now family with Jesus Chris. You are powerful and your body is now a servant to the grace of God within your new heart.