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The power of the cross

We are not changed by the power of men, by hype or groundless hopes, or even by will power or self-improvement. No amount of trying harder, hardening up, or getting over it, can enable people to truly change. But people can be changed by encountering their God through Jesus Christ. That means that although we might hang on the words of Doctor Oz and Phil or Ophra for wisdom to help us, the only wisdom that can heal the deep issues within the human heart is released to us through the message of the cross.

The Cross is the power of God and the Cross is the wisdom of God. The Holy Spirit comes only when the cross had done its work for He is the Spirit of Resurrection. Our challenge is not lack of power. His power can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think, but maybe it is the lack of depth of appropriating and embracing the cross both in its cleansing work from the penalty of sin and its empowering work, from the power of sin.
Friend, Pentecost followed after Passover, and the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives can only follow the work of the cross in our lives.