Spirit Man

Jesus looked at the women of Samaria and said to her “God is a spirit and those that worship Him, must worship in spirit and in truth.  To worship truly and fellowship with God who is a Spirit, we must worship and fellowship by our spirit.  He doesn’t fellowship with our haircut, or our education but with you spirit man - the new Creation man.  The new creation man is always holy and always righteous; it has been made perfect. Whether you have just prayed or have just kicked the cat, your new creation man has not changed. It is still holy.The devil is a spirit too, so only a spirit being can have authority over him.  Your spirit remains the same whether you have had good day or a down day and it always has authority over the devil.  The devil is the god of this world or this creation but he is not lord over or have any authority over, the New Creation. Absolutely none!

Friend, you as a new creation person is just awesome and complete in Christ.  All we can do is build up our spirit by praying in the Holy ghost and feeding on the Word of God and worshipping  Him, but it is Christ in us who is the hope of glory.