Green Jesus

The whole creation is waiting for Gods sons to be manifest.  These are the ones who God will use to restore man to his proper place.  When people sin, they are not just sinning against God or themselves, they sin against the whole created world.  The whole of creation knows that mankind is wrong without God.  When one nation had revival, they repented of their sins nationally and even the land starting being happy and the crops doubled!The scriptures says "All the trees of the field shall clap their hands" and I think it's real.  I think that "dumb plants" have whatever consciousness plants have glorify God any way they can.Friend, Christians have a responsibility to the earth that exceeds that of unredeemed people. We are the only ones who are rightly related to the Creator. We should be showing others the way to environmental responsibility, acting like God who cares for and nurtures His creation.

Jim & Anneke Shaw