Not Magic

The people streamed out to the altar call expectant of the touch from God. Gods Spirit was moving powerfully that night and no one wanted to miss out.

We know that everything was wrong in the universe after a man sinned at the tree of death. But God put right every wrong thing right, through the cross; the tree of Life. People can now be restored and healed. Some of God does for us He does at church meetings.

People should come as often as possible for a touch from God but we should understand what we are coming for. God comes to give you power in your weakness not to take away your weakness.

God has no plan to make you strong apart from Him. He has no plan to help you to be independent of Him. He has no plan for you to grow up and leave home. His only plan is for us to grow up to be like Jesus who was always fully dependent upon God!

God may zap an obstacle to help us grow, but He’s never going to take away struggle with our remaining flesh that promotes growth in character. We might want a miracle; one prayer that will take away all of our struggles, but it doesn't usually happen like that.

Is there a miracle! Yes, they are events in our life that enable the process of growth. Miracles of grace can come into your life and it will help you to process the event.

Friend, let God bear your burdens every day as a therapist not as a magician. A therapist walks with you till your better. There is no magic wand and it takes more than eagerness and wishing to get healed of issues in our lives.