Grace within

The crowd stayed long after the Pharisees had left. They had gathered to listen as Jesus told the adulterous women she was free.  (John 8.4)  What she experienced was not just Grace but Truth. Because of the mercy she was shown by Jesus, we think she was experiencing only grace but in fact she was experiencing Truth as well.  In the person of Christ dwells the fullness of grace and the fullness of Truth.  Jesus interprets and displays them both simultaneously.  Unless there is grace there is no truth and if there is no truth there is no grace. Grace is Truth and the Truth is Grace. Grace is the unmerited favour and life of God given to men and Truth is reality; who God really is. The women experienced both Truth (who God is) and Grace (power of God) and it changed her life; she could never be the same. She walked away that day happy to be empty of shame and fear but so full of revelation.

Friend, when we truly meet Christ we receive into our lives, the reality of who God is, so that Gods life may be ours.