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Anointed to rule

Samson was close to Timnah when the lion sprung from it hiding place. He felt the power of the Holy Spirit come over him at that moment and immediately knew what he could do.  The Holy Spirit gives the anointing for breakthrough; to give us supernatural life. To see what we could never see without Him, to know what we could never know without Him and do what we could never do with mere human strength, mere human reason, human ability or wisdom. Really, a man without the anointing is an enemy to the purposes of God. Jeremiah said, “Cursed is the man who trusts in the strength of his own flesh but blessed it is the man who trusts in the Lord.”  The idea “Anti Christ” means literally, instead of Christ. There are many devices which are available to us instead of the anointing. In ancient times they rubbed or poured the anointing oil on the minsters of God; Kings, prophets and priests. The oil is what got poured and the effect was they were anointed. In the same way, we are anointed with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the cause, the anointing on us is the effect.  The anointing makes it possible for you to rule for God as a king; to hear from God as His prophet and for you to minister to God and to people as His Priest.

Friend, the anointing of the Holy Spirit is what enables you; He is the equipment of God for you. You are anointed to minister to God, to represent him in the world and to rule in the midst of your enemies.