God’s loss

We feel so deeply for Job. It seems unfair that in the midst of all the grief from lost children; lost camels, lost servants, lost sheep and oxen; Satan now comes afflict Job with a vile disease. But who feels for God; can anyone understand the pain of Jesus, who rejected by man and finally His Father, took upon His life, all the sin, sickness and diseases of man. I'm not sure we can fully understand Gods grief as he lost His son to rabid and putrid disease but I believe one man that could understand a little, was Job.

We feel desperation in the questions that Job asked God but we can also see the same anguish in the two questions that God asks man in Genesis, after man turned away from his creator. "Where are you”, and “What have you done?" Man had lost his shining glory and become lost in the darkness of sin bringing the shame and guilt which marred the face of His children forever.

We can perhaps understand the pain we would feel if our spouse rejected us and walked out of our life. We would feel worthless and abandoned and inside it would feel like our stomach has turned to lead; but no matter how much love we had for that person, we never created them or gave them life.
Friend, God has felt abandoned too; in the garden and on the cross but this we know- he will never abandon you.