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Grace in marriage

As Jesus taught in the temple, the Pharisees dragged the embarrassed women before him. The Pharisees brought the woman for judgment for sin, instead of bringing her to Jesus for help, with her sin. Pharisees, like the devil our accuser, stood in opposition to the sinner, rather than coming alongside the sinner, to help them. Sometimes we tend to bring our spouse for judgement too. Maybe we are upset with them or hold some disappointment in our heart and we begin to bring them to Him for judgment. We want them punished; we want them to see how bad they are or hold a sword of judgment over their head. We self righteously hold to the fact they were wrong toward us, so now they should suffer. Perhaps we withdraw our love from them for a season. Maybe we put up a barrier, to wall them out of our lives for 10 minutes or a day.

The Pharisees wanted Jesus to bring judgment. They brought her to the right person but for the wrong reason. They could have brought her to Him for grace and mercy, that could change her life.
Friend, don’t bring others to Jesus for judgment - bring them to Him in prayer for blessing, grace and help in their time of need.