His Joy

Paul and Silas were sore from the beatings and it was difficult to sing chained to a guard but they rejoiced in the prison anyway, before there was anything visible to rejoice about. That is called faith and as they rejoiced in God, something began to manifest in their lives; rivers of the Holy Spirit began to flow into their cell, breaking them free from both guards and chains. (Acts 16.26)

We are told that joy is a powerful way to draw up the life of God into our lives and circumstances. Joy is the bucket we draw up the joy from the wells of our salvation (Isa 12:3) Maybe you are thinking “Where can I find the well and how can I rejoice when I don’t feel like it?” The well is within you and the joy of the Lord is in you too. This joy is not the joy of Jim, Bill or Mary. If you have the Lord you have already got His joy. It is part of His life and He is within you. We don’t have to wait for God to dump it on us or wait till we feel like being happy but we can stir it up from within us.

Remember how David brought up the ark of God’s presence with joy? You can bring in God’s presence around your life, by singing and praising and rejoicing in the Lord.
Friend, if we want the presence of God then we need to re-joice. That means joy and joy again. Start the flow now!