In the grain fields

Jesus was walking through the grain-fields on a sunny day. The corn was a golden and specks of dry dust were floating around in the shafts of sun, as Jesus walks through the harvest fields with the disciples.  The disciples were hungry and so they were eating the grain as they walked along.The Pharisees were not impressed and argued that the disciples’ actions were unlawful so to defend his disciples, Jesus reminds the Pharisees of an interesting precedent.“You heard what David did and the others with him, when they were hungry, how they went into the house of God and eat of the bread that was only for the priests.” The point was that David’s’ actions were contrary to the religious law but not contrary to the heart of God for man.  The disciples were working on the Sabbath but they had a human need. Jesus is clear “The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath.”The son of man never came to uphold a system of duty but to free the souls of men.  God loves men more than he loves the Sabbath and his people more than what they can bring Him.Friend, we are not like the Pharisees who thought that God cared more about the religious “aids to worship” than he did for His worshippers.