Sounding gongs

The fire on the beach reminded Peter of the terrible night he betrayed Jesus as he stood by the fire in the judgment hall. But now Jesus was alive again and was asking him the only thing that mattered “Peter do you love me?”

In God’s sight development of character is more important than some victories. Victory is sweet but what is our attitude when we succeed or fail. Love covers a multitude of sins. Love for God and others is the goal - not a perfect performance. Success seems to be more about love. 1 Corinthians 13.8 says “love never fails.” Love is one thing that always succeeds in life. The apostle Paul said he could accomplish great things and without love still fail. If we build churches, bible colleges, corporations and ministries without love, we still fail. Love is the goal that God is seeking to develop in our life.

The divine order seems to be first light, then life than love. First He fills our darkened hearts with light; then we are filled with His grace and life but finally, He seeks to reveal His love in us.

Samson had light from God, he was filled with life and power but struggled to love God entirely. David the king was filled with light and prophetic power but was challenged to love those he ought to have protected.

Friend, love is Gods goal and regardless of whether we seem to be succeeding or not, if you can show love, we will be a success today.

The Discipleship Processjim