Be still

Elijah’s cave rocked and trembled as the wind tore at the rocks outside. It was a fearful demonstration but God's voice was not there. Elijah expected God to be in the fire, the quake or the wind; he’d experienced Him in powerful ways before.  Finally he hears a still small voice. This was a voice like a man’s voice. Like the voice of a lover, a father; a voice like the one Adam heard in the garden, when God came to rescue, restore and forgive. The Word of the Lord is not just for the supernatural, the spectacular and the public but also comes for the private, the personal and the painful moments of life.  There is the boom and the bam, but what Elijah needed was the still small voice; to be still and to meet with God. The biggest challenge to us hearing His voice is our past.  Past disappointments, past sense of failure, intimidation and the loss of confidence that it brings but also past experiences of hearing His voice. We think that the Lord will speak to us the way it has happened before. Or we get used to seeking God just for the service or for the spectacular and public, when He is saying I desire intimacy just for My sake.

Friend, when Elijah left that place, he knew that God was speaking to him in ways he had never heard before. We also should know that God is always speaking but be open to new and intimate ways that He may come to us.