All things lawful

The Romans at the time of Pauls letter, believed in Platonism,  which meant they thought that the body was evil, only the spirit or the soul was worthy and  valuable. They reasoned then that anything they did with their  body didn’t really matter because it’s not the part that God was interested in, it’s just the body. Greek / Roman business was carried out in the temple but the temple because that is where the food was, all food was offered to the idols and false gods, and then obviously to get rid of it, they ate at the temple in restaurants, after the dinner there was always the after dinner entertainment which basically was prostitutes who would come to entertain the businessman. But Paul is clear that God  sees our body as a unity. Our body  is just as important as our soul to God.  In fact your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and what we do with our body is very important.

Friend, dedicate your body as a temple to God and he will fill it with His presence.