Heart tests

One afternoon I was visiting the library in a town near where I lived. As I walked through the car park I noticed a roll of money on the ground. I was in need of some money at the time, but I took it to the police station thinking that maybe the owners wouldn’t claim it, but they did. It was such a small test, but an example of the tests that come our way. God does test us: He doesn’t tempt us, but he does test us. In fact, when the devil is tempting you, God is testing you. When I found the money on the ground, both were happening at the same time, so it became a test of my character and heart.

In the bible, ten is the number of testing, so we think of Rachel who was tested as she drew water for the ten camels. That is about 300 gallons, for a stranger who she never dreamed would benefit her, so her heart to serve was truly tested. She didn’t know it was a test, but when she passed the test, it became her door to marriage! (Gen 24:10)

Jacob served his father in law to be, with all his might in order to claim his bride. When his father in law gave him the wrong daughter, and unjustly changed his wages ten times, it became a huge test of his heart attitude, (Gen 31.7) but eventually God blessed him materially because he was tested and proven.

Job was reproached by his friends ten times. They hurt him and wounded him with their accusations (Job19:3-10) He cried out in his test, feeling that God was hedging him in pain, but he kept his integrity and is blessed double in the end.
Friend, there will always be situations and people that test our heart, integrity and attitude, but if we keep our heart right, God always has the final say and it is always for our blessing.