
The stronghold of Zion was the last part of the Kingdom to be claimed by David and his army. The Jebusites lived there and were confident no one could dislodge them from their high mountain stronghold.( 2 Sam 5.)

David said to his men, that whoever could get up into the stronghold of Zion, would become his captain. The men found the only way to take the stronghold was by way of the gutter from the city.

This gutter was coming down from the city so it was not a freshwater pipe but the sewer shaft! It was humbling and it wasn’t pleasant but they took the lowest way because the low way is the way to destroy strongholds.

Friend, if we want a breakthrough in our relationships we have to find out where the sewer is in your marriage or in your relationship or ministry. Find out where it stinks and where the rubbish is generated into your situation. You have to attack your stronghold there! Oh it takes humility, and it may be hard, but that is where your break though is.