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Free But Warned

The garden looked pristine and beautiful and Adam and Eve walked slowly through the trees, looking at all God had given them.  God said "I have made it all for you but don’t touch the one tree in the midst of the garden, or you will die". God gives us freedom but He is not irresponsible. He shouts and cries out wisdom in the streets and in our lives. If you do somethings it will kill you. If you do other things you will end up in bondage so don’t commit adultery, don’t steal and don’t worship false Gods. You are free to choose but often the way that seems right to a man is the way to death.  Often men choose to do things that will hurt themselves or other then when there  are consequences, wished that God had of stepped in to avoid it happening. Why doesn’t He step in and stop the young man from crashing off the road while drunk.   Why doesn’t He step in and stop people from their free choice and their harmful actions.  If someone is drunk He doesn’t take the keys but He has already said don’t be drunk.  Why doesn’t he stop the teenager from getting pregnant? He has already said do not fornicate.

Friend God gives His intervention up front by way of warning.  If we fail to heed them He will not interfere with our choices.