Posts in Divine purpose
Jesus our Inheritance

The land before them stretched out as far the eye could see. God had called the Promised Land, their inheritance and they were to make sure the inheritance was not lost or given away but handed on to the children. In the New Testament Pauls basic theology is receive Jesus Christ and you will become a child eligible for part of His inheritance, or to be come co heirs. All that God has given to us in Christ, is our inheritance. Every blessing we are given; the Holy Spirit, peace with God, every privilege we enjoy, every right we are given in the name of Jesus, every benefit we receive such as salvation forgiveness and atonement are our wonderful inheritance in Jesus.

Friend, every state we enjoy now and for eternity. This is the inheritance God has given His New Creation family. It is complete in Jesus. He has paid the price so fully, that He could enter in to heaven and take a seat.

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Divine purposeJIM Shaw
Use it

Before Dad died he gave me his shot gun and after he died I ended up with all his tools among other treasured blessings. A righteous man leaves an inheritance for his children. It may be money but hopefully a legacy of values. An inheritance is sometimes left to you when your relative dies. The bible is big on inheritances. You are meant to leave one to your kids and God the ultimate Father has laid up an inheritance for you; all the riches that are in Christ. One day some KGB stopped some Russian believers who were on their way to church. They didn’t want lie, so they said “Our elder brother has died and we are on the way to the reading of the will.” That is a great description of Church meetings. Jesus died and there is an inheritance been left to you. Today some parents don’t hand on an inheritance because they think the kids are going to use the inheritance frivolously. The reason some of the old money families have wealth, is because they trained the children how to use money and when the inheritance was left, the kids were able to maintain the wealth and increase it for the next generation.

Friend, an inheritance is a trust for future generations as they too carry on the work of the fathers business and values. Carry on His work for He has left you the recourses.

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God has made us new creations in Christ Jesus. A new type of being and we are called to bear the image of God as His children. Only His workmanship and sons, can do the new creation works He planned. His work can’t be done by flesh from the natural world but He has birthed a group of family members who dwell in the kingdom of heaven that can do the work of God. Like he did for Elisha, God opens our eyes to see into that realm. We are in the spirit. We are able to act in both worlds; we are in the world but we are not if it. We are created to do what God would do and even to behave like Jesus would behave. The new man is created in true righteousness and holiness. Putting on the new man is “putting on” the thinking that allows us our New Creation spirit man, to manifest in the natural realm.

Friend, you are an over-comer. You were born an overcomer and that means you can overcome the world. Though it is against us, you can over-come it.

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Paul had the attitude that we should press after God; to run the race and to fight the good fight of faith. It sounds like we are to be striving and exerting a lot of energy to reach for and win the prize but surely it is not striving in our own human effort. It is not fighting human battles and it is not running a physical road race with strenuous self effort. It is a fight and a race against the self that we were, compared the self we can be, by pressing in to receive grace from God.

The more grace you can receive, the greater success as a believer you will be. Grace gets inside us and changes us from the inside. It grows in you, strengthens you and lifts you up. Grace can bring you out and get you over and that Grace came by Jesus. Moses gave the law because man can only bring law; it takes God to bring Grace. If you look to yourself or to human help, at its best it can only be law. You will do things because its right and we rely on our strength to overcome. Moses went down to deliver the people and to bring them up to their inheritance in the Promised Land, but they couldn’t go in. God gave then the law, but never helped them to enter in. They kept breaking the law and suffering judgment.

Friend our deliverer Jesus has come down from heaven to rescue us and has given us something that will enable us to go into our inheritance. It’s called grace.

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Gods New Creation

Creation sparkled in the early dawn of life. It was a beautiful thing. When God created mankind, He made them pure, free and worthy to walk with God in a relationship with him. He gave them authority over the earth as His ambassadors on the earth, but they chose to move away from God and consequently, they were put out of the garden. The bible is the story of God bringing us back to where we fell from. If we choose to come back, he will make us re-make us. God won’t make you do anything but he will make you into something brand new. He doesn’t make people repent but He does invite and convict us by the Holy Spirit; He warns us through preaching. We had no choice about being in Adam but we do have a choice to be in Christ, and till we accept Christ we remain in Adam receiving all that he deserves. When we accept Christ as Lord, we receive all He deserves! We are either in Adam of Christ; this is the only distinction God sees. If you are in Adam you get all Adams stuff and his family traits; hopelessness, bondages, fear of dying, no sense of future and no relationship with God.

But Friend, If you are in Christ you get all Christs’ stuff; Eternal life, relationship with Father, blessing and joy unspeakable. We had no choice the first time we were born but thank God, we do have a choice to be born again!

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Divine purposeJIM Shaw
The work of the ministry

The fivefold is to equip the saints so the saints can do the work of the ministry. Bruce Wilkerson of “Prayer of Jabez” fame said “We don’t measure success by the number of people watching you do ministry but how many of those watching you, are doing ministry. Whatever it is that church members think pastors do: visiting the sick in hospitals, casting out devils, following up visitors to the church, ringing up the people that haven’t been seen for three weeks, teaching new believer the basics and discipline some people at lunchtime…is what they are to be doing! Jesus was modelling ministry for His body the whole church, not for the 5 fold. Ministry just means serving. Believers don’t go to church to be at a service or to enjoy a service but they go there to give service and then go out of the meeting to give service to the body and the world. Members are to edify or build the local church body up. It is not Jesus alone who is building the church, we have excused lack of availability from that verse, for far too long. It is the job of the saints to build up the church by doing the work of the ministry. That is a ministry to God in worship, ministry to the world as disciple-makers and ministry to the saints by service, love and encouragement.

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Jesus is merciful

A couple of weeks ago we talked in our life group about poor people tithing. I asked them what they would do if we had a lady in the church getting 160 dollars a week benefit and she was playing 130 dollars a week rent and finding it hard to tithe and live off the rest. The next day I asked the Lord to help me in how I should think. As I got still before Him suddenly I saw a picture of me walking behind Jesus in the grain fields. It was a bright sunny day, the corn was a golden and dry dust was floating around in the suns of sun. Jesus is treading through the golden fields with all the disciples. I thought what has this got to do with tithing? Soon I began to read the scriptures and miraculously the Bible was opened at the exact story where Jesus was walking through the Grainfields. The disciples were hungry and so they were eating the grain as they walked. The Pharisees were not impressed and to defend his disciples Jesus gave them an interesting talk. He said you have heard what David did and the others with them when they were hungry how they went into the house of God and eat of the bread that was only for the priests. I.e. The human need of David and his men took priority over the religious law. Jesus goes on “I am Lord of the Sabbath. The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath.” My men are plucking grain on the Sabbath and while you think it is contrary to the law, they have a human need. Sometimes in life, we meet people who are genuinely poor without the resources to meet their basic human needs. The son of man never came to uphold a system of duty but to free the souls of men. Human need takes priority over religious law. Think of the Good Samaritan story. If your neighbour is in trouble on Sunday morning, then helping him is more important than going to church. God loves men more than He loves the Sabbath and He loves his people more than their tithes. I believe in the principle of tithes and offerings but let’s not become Pharisees who seem to think that God cares more for religious rituals or even principles, than He does for people. The Pharisees think that the poor person whose weekly income is 160 dollars and whose rent is 130 dollars a week should give their tithe of 16 dollars and try to live on 14 dollars a week! Because the Pharisee who earns $800 a week religiously gives his tithes his $80 leaving him $720 to live on! Tithing was made for man not man for tithing. Man’s hunger being satisfied is more important to God than tithing. David didn’t say to his men “Learn faith by staying hungry, learn to suffer for righteousness sake by going without food and water. Jesus never said to His disciples “harden up and learn faith by not eating on Sabbath and certainly not to eat that which is Holy and belonging to the priests.”

Friend, Jesus is more merciful and understanding than you think.

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If you ever see a business that closed down it will be because they couldn't make the changes necessary to succeed. If you see a family wounded and in pain, as mum tries to raise to three teenagers, we know someone couldn’t change. We see wives alone after an abusive relationship ends, with a man who could not change, but Jesus comes to change people's lives. He changes the lives of ordinary guys; labourers and tax collectors. No standout performers, no stars but they said yes to Jesus and he rewrote their story. They found out that only Jesus could change them. Your best future, your God planned future demands there are changes now. To have a better marriage, something has to change. You know something has to change. To have a better walk with Christ you know something needs to change to God to bring you to the next level of your ministry, something will need to change. To embrace change we have to be assured of our Fathers tender involvement in our life. To grow through change, we invite Him into our change knowing He's ordering our steps.

Friend, if we believe that our steps are ordered by the Lord our changes are never random and we can grow through change and not just go through change.

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The Person of Grace and Truth

The Law dealt with us as slaves - Grace and truth now deal with us as sons. Grace and truth is the new reality; it is the new way that God speaks and it is the new way that He deals with us. It is the new way that He empowers. Gal 4:4 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. Gal 4:6 And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, "Abba, Father!" Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. In Ephesians, everything begins and ends with Grace. This is the big idea of the New Testament. By grace, we are blessed with every blessing. By graces, we are chosen in Him. By grace, we are redeemed. By grace, we received wisdom and prudence. By grace, His inheritance is in the saints. Grace raises up and places us in heavenly places. We are saved by grace. Grace is the unmerited favour of God. And Grace is the unmerited ability of God. Grace is the unmerited revelation and word of God to us. Grace means the freely given favour and empowering life and voice of God. All three! If there is favour but no voice how does uncommunicated favour help us? If there is only favour but no power toward us, we would be blessed but helpless. We know He is the truth. There is no truth if there is no Grace and Christ is grace. The juxtaposition here in John 1, is not Law with Truth, it is the law with grace and truth. Truth does not equal law. The law is not a person. It is a portion of the revelation of truth, but not its fullness. The grace of God encompasses everything that is in Christ. He interprets it. He displays grace and shows forth the truth.

Friend, Grace is God giving His son Christ to live His life through us. Grace is Christ within us.

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Joseph walked to where his brothers were keeping the family sheep, sure that they would be glad to see him. Little did he know that they were very jealous of him and planned to kill him? Eventually, through the actions of the first-born brother Rueben he was not killed but only sold to traders on their way to Egypt. The only beloved son of Israel becomes the one sold to Egypt by his brethren freedom but also becomes the incredible picture of Glorification or what God finally plans for His children. We are trained in this world but are destined for the throne of heaven. It seems incredible; about as incredible as a prisoner becoming a governor in one day. In one day we shall be made immortal and raised up to sit with Christ upon the royal throne of heaven. Right now we don’t look that different from everyone else. The world cannot see that you are a king or prince and son of God and who really a cares. Joseph looked like a prisoner to everyone else; just the same but God had a Day coming.

Friend, like Rueben our firstborn brother of the new creation stepped up to keep us from death that eventually we may reign. Today all creation is waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God, when they rise from the prison of the earth, to rule with the King in the kingdom.

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Divine purposeJIM Shaw

Jacob was the second-born son of Isaac. He was a schemer but he knew what he wanted. He wheedled the birthright, then he got the blessing. He was always working the angles. When he met God in Gen 28.17 he said “If you will bless me, help me, keep me, feed me and clothe me, then I’m going to make a house for You and begin to tithe like Abraham. Which is fine but it is a bit like saying If I’m better off materially, by being right with God then I’ll serve him. He might have thought; the reason I’ll tithe is so that I can get blessed. (The reason we tithe is that we are already blessed. The job you have already, is a blessing and we need to honour God, lest we lose the one we’ve got.) Jacob knew what he wanted and when God met him he said “I want you to bless me and wrestled with him till God blessed him. God did bless him but the blessing meant a change in his walk. He walked with a limp from that day on. He was no longer striving in his own strength which was diminished. That is what we call sanctification; when we learn to lean completely on God and come to a place where we realise that our strength is not sufficient. God wrestles with us in such a way through circumstance that though we are loved sons and fully justified before God, He helps us to become like Jesus in actuality. In reality, we are changed to be more like him. This is practical righteousness not just imputed or even imparted righteousness. We might be justified and declared righteous, but our habits can still be demanding, selfish or ungrateful, so God will help us change.

Friend, if we don’t realise he is wrestling with us we will wrestle all night but not win. Give in and do it Gods way.

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Imagine that tomorrow the family lawyer rings you up and says a relative has died in England and has no close relatives. We tracked you down and you’re the closest survivor and will inherit her wealth. With your mind racing, you enquire “How much?” 10 million dollars is the reply. Now that is an inheritance! But when you inherit the money, did you work for it or receive it? You received; you don’t deserve you didn’t work, you just received and was very thankful. We are co-heirs with Jesus which means we get to share in His inheritance. In the world, people try to get things. To get a blessing, get ahead, get a wife and get a child, but it is really an unbiblical way of thinking about life. Every good thing comes down from heaven as a gift. That’s Christian thinking. We’re not trying to get things from God; we are learning how to receive things from God. Everything we receive from God we receive as a gift. Father wants to give you an inheritance. He gave you the gift of salvation and you received it. Success is the Christian life is about who can receive the most from God. The more you can receive of God’s grace and gifts the better you live as a Christian. The moment you stopped receiving from God today, was the moment you decided you didn’t need grace; didn’t need Gods power or His help to stay walking in love. Those that do exploits for God are those who keep receiving from God all the time.

Friend, we will always be receivers, so that way He gets all the credit. All we can do is become better at receiving grace. That’s the difference between a believer and a more mature believer; they have learned to be better receivers of grace.

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Divine purposeJIM Shaw
The power of weakness

Luke Skywalker, Batman and other superheroes are the icons of our day. We like the idea of people just like us having great supernatural power. God promises us a great power too through His spirit but there is one step before being strong and that is weakness. Heb 11 tells us that out of weakness many Old Testament heroes were made strong and became valiant in battle. The hall of faith gives the list of hero’s names and gives the secret of their admission to the list. They were all weak, first. There are two parts to Gods' economy; first weakness and secondly strength. Only after weakness, they became valiant in the battle. We must understand today the power of weakness. I say that because weakness is not something we have to gain it is something we have to recognize! It is something we have to embrace. I'm talking about of course a weakness that is recognition of our actual weakness. Jesus said to Peter “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. That was not a criticism that was and is a fact. It not that Peter can do anything about it. The flesh was going to be with him and us till the day we die. Jesus wasn't saying Peter "how could you have flesh? If you’re human you’ve got it. But he was saying how come you didn't recognize when it began to influence your life and you dropped back to natural from the supernatural.

Friend, God has not left us in the flesh without God. In fact, you are not merely in the flesh any more if the Spirit of God dwells in you. We are not just human flesh without God now we are new creations who have supernatural DNA.

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Divine purposeJIM Shaw
With Him

The disciples are in the boat and Jesus is there too. When the storm stills He wonders where their faith was. He never said have you any faith but where is it? Your faith is misplaced! Our faith is sometimes focused upon us - Can we be sunk? Instead of on Christ can he be sunk? No! Our faith is in whether He is in control of the storms in our life. The question should be... “ Is God in control of the storms that are coming against Him? Of course! He is in control over all the storms that are coming against Him and His purpose. Against His boat and against anyone in His boat. If no weapon formed against us can prosper it certainly is not going to prosper against the Lord of hosts. He is the Ruler of the universe. Waters winds storms and devils are nothing to Him.

Friend, when a storm from the enemy comes into our life, freshly submit to God. Say “Lord, I'm on the mission with you. You are in the boat and this is your storm!” Matthew 28 tells us that as they went the Lord worked with them because it was His work they were on.

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Divine purposeJIM Shaw
Free But Warned

The garden looked pristine and beautiful and Adam and Eve walked slowly through the trees, looking at all God had given them. God said "I have made it all for you but don’t touch the one tree in the midst of the garden, or you will die". God gives us freedom but He is not irresponsible. He shouts and cries out wisdom in the streets and in our lives. If you do somethings it will kill you. If you do other things you will end up in bondage so don’t commit adultery, don’t steal and don’t worship false Gods. You are free to choose but often the way that seems right to a man is the way to death. Often men choose to do things that will hurt themselves or other then when there are consequences, wished that God had of stepped in to avoid it happening. Why doesn’t He step in and stop the young man from crashing off the road while drunk. Why doesn’t He step in and stop people from their free choice and their harmful actions. If someone is drunk He doesn’t take the keys but He has already said don’t be drunk. Why doesn’t he stop the teenager from getting pregnant? He has already said do not fornicate.

Friend God gives His intervention up front by way of warning. If we fail to heed them He will not interfere with our choices.

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Who’s in Control?

The sovereignty of God doesn’t mean he makes everything happen that does happen. God is not behind the murderer or the rapist. He is not the planner and the plotter of tragedy, in fact there are many thing that are not Gods will that happen every day. God is not willing that any person should perish but some do every day without Christ. Both Christians and non-Christians fail to do His will every day. He forces no one. In so many ways the world is now disconnected from Gods perfect will. God operated in two modes His perfect sovereign will and his permitted will, have if you like; Gods will and his accommodation of free will and sin in creation. The ordination of King Saul was not Gods perfect will but He allowed it to happen. He was able to work around it and through it. He always can. The fall of man in the Garden was not god will but he chose not to interfere with man free choice. But part of Gods perfect will for us to be to love him and choose him freely; therefore he had to give his free choice. Mans freedom of choice was a necessary risk. God will not force men to worship but neither can he force people not to sin. Here is Gods dilemma: Shall I make people good or shall I make people free? Free to choose Good or evil.

Friend we are free to choose Gods way or our way but only God way ends in relationship with God and man in peace and joy.

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All dried up?

Elijah walked down to the river as he always had for months but it seems that the river from which he drank each day was becoming just a trickle. He was about to find out why. When the place that God brought you to becomes dry and unsustainable it is because God is getting ready to take you to a new place. God never takes you to a place that dries up and leaves you there. Though God had provided for Elijah at the river with obedient ravens, He had more in mind. That meant getting Elijah’s attention through a provision that dried up. God was not caught out. God knows everything all the time; He knows everything about the present the future and the past and He has known it from eternity. He has perfect understanding and wisdom. With perfect control and power He ensures all things work together for good.

Friend, if wherever you have been placed is drying up- look up; it may be a sign that He has a new thing, place, ministry and encounter with God, perhaps a increase of His supernatural power or a new people to be a part of.

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Dress to Impress

Esther was getting ready to appear before the king and she asked Hegai what she should wear. She trusted him completely as he knew what the kings liked and disliked. All the girls in the palace selected for the king all knew that they could have anything they wanted to wear and no doubt they went shopping to look stunning in their own eyes. The bible challenges us to please the Lord and not to please ourselves. One thing we sometimes struggle to grasp is the difference between being accepted in the Beloved and living in ways that please God.2 Corinthians 5.9. It not a works salvation but of pure grace. We don’t try to please Him to be saved but we will want to please him if we are saved.

Friend, the key I see to pleasing God, is not to live in a special way in order to get to heaven but to live a special way because we are going to heaven.

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No bones about it

When Darwin was asked about the fact that there is no fossil evidence of any intermediate life forms between a fish and a cow or a bird and a monkey, he confessed that it was as embarrassing problem with his theory. What the fossil record does show which is embarrassing to evolutionist is that the foot prints of man are found in the same strata as signs of what they call homo erectus and Neanderthal man. In other words the ancient primates where living at the same time as men. So far all the primitive men that are meant to be the missing link between man and monkey are either all in the monkey bones or men’s bone but still nothing in between. They are embarrassed about Piltdown man who turned out to be a total hoax and likewise are embarrassed about Nebraska man who was all based upon a pigs tooth.

Friends make no bones about it...God made us.

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Divine purposeJIM Shaw