Jesus our Inheritance

The land before them stretched out as far the eye could see. God had called the Promised Land, their inheritance and they were to make sure the inheritance was not lost or given away but handed on to the children. In the New Testament Paul’s basic theology is receive Jesus Christ and you will become a child eligible for part of His inheritance, or to be come co heirs.   All that God has given to us in Christ, is our inheritance. Every blessing we are given; the Holy Spirit, peace with God, every privilege we enjoy,  every right we are given in the name of Jesus, every benefit we receive such as salvation forgiveness and  atonement are our wonderful inheritance in Jesus.

Friend, every state we enjoy now and for eternity. This is the inheritance God has given His New Creation family.   It is complete in Jesus. He has paid the price so fully, that He could enter in to heaven and take a seat.

Divine purposeJIM Shaw