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The power of weakness

Luke Skywalker, Batman and other superheroes are the icons of our day. We like the idea of people just like us having great supernatural power.  God promises us a great power too through His spirit but there is one step before being strong and that is weakness. Heb 11 tells us that out of weakness many Old Testament heroes were made strong and became valiant in battle.  The hall of faith gives the list of hero’s names and gives the secret of their admission to the list. They were all weak, first. There are two parts to Gods' economy; first weakness and secondly strength.  Only after weakness, they became valiant in the battle. We must understand today the power of weakness.  I say that because weakness is not something we have to gain it is something we have to recognize! It is something we have to embrace. I'm talking about of course a weakness that is recognition of our actual weakness. Jesus said to Peter “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  That was not a criticism that was and is a fact.  It not that Peter can do anything about it.  The flesh was going to be with him and us till the day we die.  Jesus wasn't saying Peter "how could you have flesh?  If you’re human you’ve got it.   But he was saying how come you didn't recognize when it began to influence your life and you dropped back to natural from the supernatural. 

Friend, God has not left us in the flesh without God. In fact, you are not merely in the flesh any more if the Spirit of God dwells in you. We are not just human flesh without God now we are new creations who have supernatural DNA.