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Gods New Creation

Creation sparkled in the early dawn of life. It was a beautiful thing.  When God created mankind, He made them pure, free and worthy to walk with God in a relationship with him.  He gave them authority over the earth as His ambassadors on the earth, but they chose to move away from God and consequently, they were put out of the garden. The bible is the story of God bringing us back to where we fell from.  If we choose to come back, he will make us re-make us.  God won’t make you do anything but he will make you into something brand new. He doesn’t make people repent but He does invite and convict us by the Holy Spirit; He warns us through preaching. We had no choice about being in Adam but we do have a choice to be in Christ, and till we accept Christ we remain in Adam receiving all that he deserves.  When we accept Christ as Lord, we receive all He deserves! We are either in Adam of Christ; this is the only distinction God sees.  If you are in Adam you get all Adams stuff and his family traits; hopelessness, bondages, fear of dying, no sense of future and no relationship with God.

But Friend, If you are in Christ you get all Christs’ stuff; Eternal life, relationship with Father, blessing and joy unspeakable. We had no choice the first time we were born but thank God, we do have a choice to be born again!