Posts in Heavenly Perspective
Afflictions of the righteous

God doesn’t prevent every trouble; He doesn’t step in and stop every difficult time coming our way but He will help us out of the troubles or through those troubles. God often does not intervene before the trouble comes but he will intervene when you ask him to. When we see disasters happen we wonder, why didn’t God stop it from happening, but here’s the thing - God doesn’t keep us from suffering because He doesn’t even keep himself from suffering. Only beings that feel love, can suffer. If you want to love in the world, you have to have the possibility of suffering. He never stopped Adam from disobeying but when Adam realized his error, God quickly moved to forgive and to redeem him. God always warns but doesn’t coerce or force anyone to obey and he doesn’t stop people from disobeying either. For God to stop every sin, crime or event that might create suffering, like an argument between husband and wife, he would have to override our free will every day. He is not a controlling demigod, who takes away our personal freedom and personality but He gives us the dignity and responsibility for our own lives. He allows us to live in a world that is broken because of the results of bad decisions and actions both by others and by ourselves. He chooses to help the weak and restore the broken by empowering us with His own strength and grace that we might overcome in this life. Whoever loves the most, suffers the most and God suffers to see the choices we sometimes make but loves us enough to give us the freedom to do it.

Friend, this is the way God works. God does not control things on the front end but he restores the repentant person on the back end. The bible says “many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers us from them all.”

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To do you good

The forty days passed slowly in the desert, but each day Jesus prayed and prepared for the enemies attack. After Jesus had been tested in the wilderness, He came out in the power of the spirit. He was the true Israel and unlike natural Israel, He chose to live by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God. Increased power and blessing followed His passing the test in the wilderness. After Paul had learned to humble himself before God in the desert for many years, he came out with the greatest revelations of God any man had ever had. He learned to collect “Manna” he’d never seen before; things about God he could have never imagined, things about grace, things about the gentiles he never has seen before, till he could say “Everything I thought I knew before, is just dung.”

He was humbled and tested to see whether he would “collect” and obey Gods new manna and was given the honor of penning revelations that brought light to the whole world.

God’s blessing still follows obedience. It is the test that makes you a testimony. God’s supernatural life is on the other side of your wilderness test. He just wants to do you good. That’s what a father wants; for His children to be blessed in the end.

Friend, we can't change our test but we can change our perspective. We can't change having to go through the wilderness but we can change how we look at it. Our perspective should be that God only tests us to do us good in the end, and our best days are just beyond the word we obey. Our breakthrough and blessing are just after the next test we pass.

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