Posts in Priority of His Presence
Receive Life

Adam and Eve walked with the One who gave them life.  How wonderful it was to see the trees of the garden and all that God had made. One tree was stunning but although there was fruit on it they never ate from the Tree of Life.  They had a relationship as children and even deep fellowship with the Creator as they shared together. But still, for some reason, they never ate from the Tree of Life.

Eventually, by the decisions they made in the garden, mankind lost their place of relationship and fellowship with the Father. Jesus won it back for us through the decisions He made in the garden of Gethsemane.  God has done everything He needed to do, to make us acceptable to Him but it is not just a relationship God wants, but intimate fellowship with Him. The Bible describes our relationship with God as a “garden” that we must tend and keep. We are now back in the garden of fellowship but we're not alone. There is a serpent there too and his one goal is to keep us distracted in Father’s presence, so we never eat of the Tree of Life. (The Life in Jesus) The relationship is His gift to us – fellowship is our gift to Him.

Friend, don’t settle for a relationship when the purpose of the relationship is fellowship. Let’s walk with Him and abide with our hearts toward Him in fellowship until we are truly feeding from the Tree of Life.

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