
 David returned to Ziglag from the battle, to find that his family, his precious wives and his soldiers’ families had been taken captive. The men, once friends, now talked of killing him; it was his lowest hour. With no one else to encourage him, he encouraged himself in the Lord. He builds a spirit of boldness and courage around his life, as he thought about and declared God’s faithfulness. After he had done that, the first thought he had was to inquire of the Lord for direction and help. A great decision. Never make a decision while you are depressed. Encourage yourself in God first. 1 Samuel 30.3.

 We can create the atmosphere in which we walk. We choose it or the devil will choose for us. He wants us to walk in doubt and fear, and without the strength of joy and he’ll try to bring that atmosphere around our life but with God’s Word, we can create and build an atmosphere of faith.

God used words to build the natural world and the spiritual world, and we can use words too, to build in the spirit realm. We have to know God’s word first of course, but then we need to confess it, for our words build the spiritual atmosphere around our lives. Faith-filled words can build a covering over us in the spirit, remove opposition from around us, and bring spiritual light and God’s presence. Our spiritual garments and amour are the result of words that we have spoken into the spirit. We wear around our life, the words we have been speaking. David encouraged himself in the Lord by declaring “You are my Rock. You’re my fortress” and his faith grew.

Friend, you may face times when people around you are not that encouraging or upbuilding, but you know what you can do.  Don’t let other people’s words determine the joy or the world you live in; make your own atmosphere today. If you build it, He will come!