Washed Feet

The sinful woman took the place of a servant and washed Jesus’ feet with her tears. Washing the feet of guests, was part of eastern hospitality so guests could feel welcomed and comfortable to fellowship. Jesus the Servant has washed our feet so that we can fellowship with God.  “After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded”. John 13:5

The Christian life is likened to a walk and often the condition of our “spiritual feet” symbolizes our life and our progress in the Lord. We are either making progress or stumbling with our feet. Either our feet are on the enemy’s neck, or the enemy has us under his feet. Our feet can walk in straight paths or turn to the left or right. They are either secure or slipping and we are blessed if our feet stand in the house of the Lord, but not if we stand with scoffers and mockers.

The reason that the condition, stability and direction of our spiritual feet is so important, is that they reflect the condition of our heart. Feet only go where the heart has gone. If the heart is in bondage the feet will stray If the heart is in victory and dominion the feet will be too. On our journey to the heart of Jesus, we watch our heart, because the condition of the heart always influences the direction of the feet.

Friend, Jesus has washed our feet and our hearts. Let’s keep our heart with all diligence because where our heart goes, our feet will soon follow.