What a King wants

It was the most exciting time in the kingdom when the king was looking for a bride. The search began and before the prospective women went in before the king, there was a year of primping, grooming, teaching and instruction. For the women, it was a time to dress up.  Each invited girl had an unlimited budget; they could wear anything they wanted, and they all went shopping at the king’s expense.  Each girl thought “How can I dress to impress?  What will make me stand out and look really great?”

But when it was Esther's turn, she asked Hegai the king’s chamberlain, what would please the king most.  The chamberlain knew the King’s most personal and intimate likes and dislikes.  Esther was the only girl who asked Hegai. Because Esther asked the one who knew the king best, she came to him wearing his favorite colour, and with only the jewellery the ling liked best. The king couldn't take his eyes off her. Later, it was time to ask HIm what she wanted.

Finding favour with the King is not about us; how we look or what suits us but what suits Him.  It is about His style and preference. It is about entering His presence in a way that gives Him pleasure.  Do we do what everyone else is doing or what we feel like doing, or do we lift our hands with our hearts and offer our life and our worship in a way that pleases Him?     

Friend, let us ask the Holy Spirit what pleases the King. Let us come clothed in an attitude that pleases the Lord and not just ourselves. Sure, let's ask him for what we want, but not before we give Him what He wants.