
Worship is the foremost duty of mankind.  A person’s worship determines who that person is and who they become because people are defined by their worship, not by their money or their body.  A man is never more manly than when he worships, because when a man worships, he is doing what a man is created to do. It didn’t matter that Moses was a shepherd or a fisherman, but it did matter that he was a worshipper. 

Jesus was a worshipper yet there's no record of him playing music, praising with instruments or dancing. Worship is not slow songs or a style of song that helps us connect with God but an attitude of complete surrender. Only God can see our worship and it is our worship that ratifies our praise.

Worship is always a sacrifice. In the first instance of worship, there was no music, no choir and no shouts of praise; just shaky blood-stained hands, and a carcass on an altar, as a substitute for the offerer. David had seen this type of “worship” in the Tabernacle, blood, knives, searing meat, smoke and cattle standing around to be killed, but  David realised God would rather a living man offer his whole heart to Him (a living sacrifice) than to offer the lifeless carcass of a bull or a goat. (Psalm 40:6-8).

Friends, worship is the dethroning of ourselves (self-worship is the essence of sin) and placing ourselves upon the altar as a willing offering to God. It is the logical and reasonable sacrificing of our lives to the One who is worthy!