
The Philistines stood opposite Israel, with a valley between them. Goliath their champion came out big, burly and covered in bronze armour.  He defied Israel and no one was prepared to face him but David (1 Sa 17:3-7). Young David went down into the valley alone, but he never felt alone.  He drew near to the Philistine, his sling in his hand and faced the fight all by himself.

Sometimes we don’t have an army behind us.  There are times when it seems that no one is with us, not even friends, and we have to stand by ourselves.  There are some giants we must face alone. The devil doesn't attack us in the church meeting, but on Thursday evening or on the day when our weakness and our inabilities seem to be magnified. It is nice when people stand with you but there will come a time when you have to encourage yourself in the Lord.

Years later David and his men were away from home when the Amalekites attacked their families and took them all captive. His men were angry and spoke of stoning David.  “But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God”. (1 Samuel 30:6)   David recalled God’s purpose, God’s promises and His presence, and he got stronger. He never felt alone, and he wasn't!

This was the last test before his coronation.  God knew that David was not ready to be the king if he needed people’s agreement or support, before he could do the right thing. 

Friend, If we can’t stand alone with God in the battle, there will be a time when we won’t stand at all. In a world that mocks everything and everyone that is godly, we must stand together and stand alone if necessary.